

2022 年のノーベル経済学賞には、「銀行経営・預金保険・流動性」で シカゴ大学ビジネススクール(経営大学院ブース)Douglas W. Diamond教授が受賞されました。
Diamond教授と理論構築を果たしたワシントン大学Philip Dybvig 教授と、ブルッキングズインスティチュートBen Bernanke 氏(もとFRB議長)との共同受賞です。

今回のDiamond教授の受賞により「実証的データの裏付けをもつ創造的理論の公益的実践」でシカゴ大学の卒業生、教授、研究者のノーベル賞の受賞者は97名(wikipediaでは101名)に上りました。日本人 のシカゴ大学出身者では、過去に小柴昌俊教授(物理)、南部陽一郎教授(物理)が受賞して おります。


To: Alumni, Parents, and Friends
From: President Paul Alivisatos, AB’81
Subject: Professor Douglas Diamond Awarded Nobel Prize in Economics
Date: October 10, 2022

It is my great pleasure to share that Douglas W. Diamond, the Merton H. Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel this morning. For his seminal research on the role banks play in shaping our economy, particularly during financial crises, he was recognized along with his collaborator Philip Dybvig of Washington University in St. Louis as well as Ben Bernanke of the Brookings Institution.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honored the trio for their work toward improving “how society deals with financial crises,” celebrating that their “analyses have been of great practical importance in regulating financial markets.” The impact of his groundbreaking research has been influential for regulators, policymakers, and academics in helping banks avert collapse in the face of financial crises. Citing the Diamond-Dybvig model first explored in “Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity,” the Academy credited Professor Diamond for his research illuminating the critical dynamics underpinning the relationship between banking systems and borrowers.

Please join me in congratulating Professor Diamond for his extraordinary achievement. It is a richly deserved recognition of the impact of his field-defining contributions to economics.

The University of Chicago

The University of Chicago
5801 South Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637


Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 97 scholars who were UChicago faculty members, students, or researchers at some point in their careers. Some of the Nobel winners whose work is closely associated with the University are Milton Friedman (Economics, 1976), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (Physics, 1983), Saul Bellow (Literature, 1976), Charles Huggins (Physiology or Medicine, 1966), and Willard Libby (Chemistry, 1960). The University of Chicago’s first Nobel Laureate was Albert A. Michelson. The first American to win the Nobel Prize in any of the sciences, Michelson was recognized in 1907 for his measurements of the speed of light. Robert A. Millikan (Physics, 1923) did both of his prize-winning experiments on campus in the Ryerson Laboratory.
John Goodenough*, 2019
Ada E. Yonath, 2009
Irwin Rose*, 2004
Richard E. Smalley, 1996
Paul Crutzen, 1995
F. Sherwood Rowland*, 1995
Yuan T. Lee, 1986
Henry Taube, 1983
Herbert C. Brown*, 1979
Ilya Prigogine, 1977
William H. Stein, 1972
Gerhard Herzberg, 1971
Robert S. Mulliken*, 1966
Karl Ziegler, 1963
Willard Frank Libby, 1960
Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1951
Harold Clayton Urey, 1934

Douglas Diamond‡, 2022
David Card, 2021
Michael Kremer‡, 2019
Paul M. Romer*, 2018
Richard Thaler‡, 2017
Lars Peter Hansen‡, 2013
Eugene F. Fama*‡, 2013
Thomas J. Sargent, 2011
Leonid Hurwicz, 2007
Roger B. Myerson‡, 2007
Edward C. Prescott, 2004
Daniel L. McFadden, 2000
James J. Heckman‡, 2000
Robert A. Mundell, 1999
Myron S. Scholes*, 1997
Robert E. Lucas Jr.*‡, 1995
Robert W. Fogel, 1993
Gary S. Becker*, 1992
Ronald H. Coase, 1991
Harry M. Markowitz*, 1990
Merton H. Miller, 1990
Trygve Haavelmo, 1989
James M. Buchanan Jr.*, 1986
Gerard Debreu, 1983
George J. Stigler*, 1982
Lawrence R. Klein, 1980
Theodore W. Schultz, 1979
Herbert A. Simon*, 1978
Milton Friedman*, 1976
Tjalling C. Koopmans, 1975
Friedrich August von Hayek, 1974
Kenneth J. Arrow, 1972
Paul A. Samuelson*, 1970

John M. Coetzee, 2003
Saul Bellow*, 1976
Bertrand Russell, 1950

Barack Obama, 2009

Andrea Ghez*, 2020
George E. Smith*, 2009
Yoichiro Nambu, 2008
Frank Wilczek*, 2004
Alexei A. Abrikosov, 2003
Masatoshi Koshiba, 2002
Daniel C. Tsui*, 1998
Jerome I. Friedman*, 1990
Leon M. Lederman, 1988
Jack Steinberger*, 1988
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, 1983
James W. Cronin*, 1980
J. Robert Schrieffer, 1972
Murray Gell-Mann, 1969
Luis W. Alvarez*, 1968
Hans Albrecht Bethe, 1967
Julian Schwinger, 1965
Maria Goeppert-Mayer, 1963
Eugene P. Wigner, 1963
Owen Chamberlain*, 1959
Tsung-Dao Lee*, 1957
Chen Ning Yang*, 1957
Ernest Orlando Lawrence*, 1939
Enrico Fermi, 1938
Clinton Joseph Davisson*, 1937
Werner Heisenberg, 1932
Arthur Holly Compton, 1927
James Franck, 1925
Robert Andrews Millikan*, 1923
Albert Abraham Michelson, 1907

Bruce A. Beutler*, 2011
Jack Szostak,2009
Roger W. Sperry*, 1981
George Wald, 1967
Charles Brenton Huggins, 1966
Konrad Bloch, 1964
Sir John Carew Eccles, 1963
James Dewey Watson*, 1962
George Wells Beadle, 1958
Edward Lawrie Tatum*, 1958
Hermann Joseph Muller, 1946
Edward Adelbert Doisy, 1943
Alexis Carrel, 1912

* University of Chicago alumnus
‡ Current member of faculty

以 上

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